This Skincare DIY tackles oily skin!

In this skin care series. We are exploring the world of DIY facials, masks and treatments with OPEYEMI ABITOYE. She took our world by storm with her amazing skincare DIYs on Instagram that helps her achieve amazing results.
We had OPSY cook up some amazing treatments in our beauty kitchen.
Over the next few weeks we’d be realeasing the videos from this series weekly bringing you amazing DIY’s that you can whip up in the comfort of your kitchen at almost no cost. And are 100% NATURAL & EFFECTIVE !
First of all, lets start with what Albumen is. Albumen is the protein contained in Egg white. Eggs are an amazing nutrient-packed natural ingredient and in particular, the beauty benefits of egg white can come in handy for many common beauty issues.
Egg white beauty treatments have been used all around the globe long back in Ancient civilizations such as Egypt, China and the Arabian Peninsula to achieve beautiful skin and hair. Egg whites are rich in protein and albumin that have skin toning properties and promote wrinkle free skin. They are especially good for oily skin and hair since they help tighten large pores and hair follicles that secrete too much sebum.
Benefits of this facial includes:
Tightens and shrinks large pores
Lifts skin
Great for reducing oily skin
Fights off acne and acne scars
Helps get rid of black heads
Checks wrinkles and fine lines
Reduces under eyes puffiness and eye bags
Be sure to try this out and let us know your results.
Love and Glow xx
Ref: beautymunsta.com